Israel Villa for Sale, 37% yield based on 108 days of occupancy.
Do you know of a luxury vacation rental for sale? Share the details with us and benefit from the sale!
We have a worldwide network of “Triangle Luxury Ambassadors”, such as interior designers, coaches, yoga instructors, and even DJs… They are part of the “close circle” of HNWI and may expose them to interesting opportunities, including short-term rental luxury assets.
However, they rarely get rewarded for doing so.
Ours is the only existing platform that harnesses this potential, allowing this “close circled” to become “Triangle Luxury Ambassadors”. You can benefit financially from being part of this network while creating value in the form of high-yielding luxury home investment opportunities.
Register as a Triangle Luxury Abassador and wait to get approved.
Step 2
Add the property details such as photos, location and name of the property manager.
We review the entry, contact the property manager and put the listing live. If the property is not managed yet, we will match it with a local manager.
The property is sold! And you make a commission for every sale.
Our Investors Network
private Investors
Family offices
We have registered private investors, family offices and real estate funds interested in browsing our luxury vacation rentals for sale. After each registration we perform a thorough due diligence. They are active buyers looking for our financial tool to help them make the right decision. They buy internationally and are looking for the local support you can give them.
Property Criteria
We’re looking for properties that have a sales value of at least €1Me. They can be anywhere in the world.
You can upload any property that is for sale, it doesn’t have to be a vacation rental because we will match it with a local property manager who can make the projections on yield.
Just ask the owner for their agreement to publish on TriangleLuxury and let us do our magic!
A Super Triangle Luxury Ambassador gets referral links for their websites and emails, so they can refer both property managers and investors. For every sale they earn a commission!